Photographs and Mirror Maze
(Z) Mirror - Maze
This is one of the most amusing and puzzling divertissements in the Park, sure to make you laugh.
We've come full circle, back to the entrance to the Park and the Music Pavilion. The crowds are once again gathering for a concert. Let's take a look this time.
(Y) The Photograph Gallery
is the best equipped resort studios in the country, and few are the visitors to WGP who have not at one time or another “looked pleasant” for a postal card photograph made in a few minutes and ready to send to some distant friend or relative. Special park views, souvenirs, etc., may be obtained here, and arrangements can also be made to have large groups and picnics photographed on the grounds.
Past the Photograph Building is the Mirror Maze.
As we complete our whirlwind tour and return to the Music Pavilion, we pass two final attractions, the first of which is the Photograph building. We read from the booklet:
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